Welcome to our selection of services! No matter your budget, we're here to help! Take a look at the list below and let us know which services you need. And if you don't see what you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask! Nothing is out of our reach!

Services Offered:

- Bios

- EPKs

- One sheets

- Press releases

- Music Review video interviews

- Exclusive Interview article

- WOTB Talk Show interview

- Notary Public Services

…..and more!

For Music Submissions:

Email the following required information to: info@wordonthebeat.net

1) Artist Name

2) Song/Project

3) Release Date

* If submitting a song from a project, include the title and release dates of both

4) Producer Name(s)

5) Artist Social Media and Music Links/LinkTree

6) Link to song/Album

7) Single Cover picture or Album Cover

** For music videos, include the videographer name and YouTube link**

**Music reviews are now being done through interview style where you will talk about your work with Jen K on video.

Examples of Work:

**Go ahead and swipe right to browse through our collection of EPKs, One Sheets, and Bios.

**Explore our Music Blog page to stay updated on the latest write-ups and reviews.

**Visit our Talk Show page to gain insight into our interview style.

**Check out our Interview Article page to learn what goes into each article.

Fill out the form below for more info on various services.

**See above for Music Submissions**

Word on the Beat Est 2019