Ricky-D, the brother of the beloved Kevin Ashe, just dropped a brand new video titled "Life Lessons", a single off his upcoming project,
New Era, Old Habits. Obviously Ricky has many of these lessons he could share with us listeners and the heartfelt attitude of this song
comes across loud and clear. The first scene of the video is Ricky-D being dropped off at an AA meeting where it is his turn to share.
This is the segue into the song where Ricky begins to tell us what is on his mind. It is very inspiring to hear Ricky-D talk to us about
strength and overcoming obstacles. We can only try to imagine what he has been through and how he feels so it is very brave of him to
share these inner feelings with us. The beat is somber and it has a melancholy vibe that matches the pain in Ricky's flow. Even though
this song is personal, there is still enough wordplay to keep a casual fan interested. Check out "Life Lessons" from Ricky-D on YouTube
right now!
Shot by: Noir XXXI
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