The Last Great Party

Published: March 27, 2020

By: Josh Rizeberg

Think back to March 7th. This was perhaps the last normal night Tacoma had and might have for a very long while. Right now we are on a Shelter-In-Place decree put on by Washington State Governor Jay Inslee. This hopefully will flatten the curve of people infected with the Covid 19 Corona-Virus Disease so that our hospitals can have enough staff, rooms, and equipment to treat the sick. By Monday March 9th Tacoma Public Schools had been canceled and only people performing essential services were allowed to keep working. It was under this backdrop that AwallAKA2Piece had perhaps the biggest, best, and most fun show of his career. There had already been many shows canceled in Seattle and things in Tacoma were beginning

to get canceled as well. However, technically large-gatherings had not been banned yet so Awall's Album- Release show snuck in by the skin of it's teeth.

Even as the night began people, myself included, were getting telephone-calls from the school-district informing us which schools had a case of the infection and which schools were to be closed. So if you can imagine the anticipation of a big show combined with the uncertainty of a global pandemic then that is the type of energy that was swirling around. One thing you can bank on when

there is an Awall album-release show is that the OG's will come out! This was absolutely no different. Thanks to Awall's Son, Dstyles, who was scheduled to perform, the night had a diverse group of ages in attendance. DJ Ray Midnite had people 2-stepping nice and early and kept the show popping all night. Ice-Watta kept the jokes going smooth all night as well as he played the host. Shout out to Mercede Hall for throwing another night to remember. She puts in work, is professional, and produces a good product!

Yung Mister opened the night off with his grown-up, slick, street style. Yung Mister is dope cause you'll more than likely see him dappered-down in a bow-tie looking extra fly but he will still beat yo ass. It is the perfect combination. Next up was Tenasip and he kept the night lit with his OG talk to 'em style. By this time Gloria's was packed to capacity and it was clear this was going to be a memorable evening! Dstyles performed next with his father Awall backing him up. These two know each other like the back of their hands. They move on

stage and play off one another like the two were one in the same.

Dstyles turned the energy up another level as he was clearly proud of his pops. Awall decided to perform next and he had the entire venue standing-up, at the front of the stage, cheering him on with every word. Then came Tacoma Legend Young Krime Da Ghetto Baby. The cool thing about a Young Krime set is that he actually has legitimate hits that people have been listening to for nearly 30 years. So it is exciting to see OG's rap along with these underground Tacoma street hits. T-Boi closed the night with his brand of flavor.

Deep down I think a lot of us knew this was the last chance we were going to be able to hug each other, see each other, enjoy live music, and pass blunts for a while. It was a bitter-sweet night and I know I had enough fun to get me through this quarantine. Until we meet again my friends. I love you all!

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